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Top 10 Best SEO and Link Building Slack Communities You Should Join in 2024

SEO and Link Building Slack Communities

Imagine being in a room full of SEO experts and website owners interested in SEO and link building. 

How would you feel about it? How much knowledge could you gain? How many link building opportunities could you grab from it?…  

Feels great, right? That’s exactly what Slack communities are.

As the world evolves rapidly and communication becomes even easier, you no longer need to travel thousands of miles just to join a room full of SEO enthusiasts. You can simply join an SEO and link building Slack community.

In this post, you will get a list of the best Slack communities.

Let’s go.

Best SEO and link building Slack communities

Now, let’s come to the most important part of this post – list of the best SEO Slack communities that you can join. 

1. SERP Forge

SERP Forge Slack

Cost: Free

Now, the first best Slack community for SEO and link building is the SERP Forge’s Slack community

If you are an entrepreneur, a website owner, an online marketer, or simply someone looking to learn more about SEO and link building, this community is for you. 

The members joining this community come from a diverse range of professions and industries joining to learn and gain new insights, share and exchange ideas and resources, ask and answer questions that arise, and grow together. 

The best part? The members of SERP Forge are dedicated individuals who regularly communicate with each other and share the latest insights to keep every individual updated. 

Lastly, since this community is specifically created for “SEO” and “link building”, it ensures that space for quick and easy link exchanges between the members is also managed.

From paid link and guest post exchanges to general and link building discussions, you’ll find everything you need here. 

2. #Backlinks

Cost: Free

You might have simply understood by the name what this community is mainly about. #Backlink is another Slack community that involves members coming from various professions to discuss some common topics. 

The most popular topics of discussion on this platform include all about link building and content marketing.

Moreover, the platform has divided its topics into three different channels: General, random, and guest posts. These channels help people discuss various topics, gain insights, share knowledge, and exchange resources. 

There are also some industry-specific channels that help individuals from various industries to collaborate. However, guest posts are still the most popular topic discussed on this platform.

The members of the community constantly share new guest posting opportunities as well to help other community members.

3. Traffic Think Tank (TTT)

traffic think tank

Cost: $99/month and $119/month.

Traffic Think Tank (TTT), an academy created to help SEO experts grow and network with digital marketers was created by three SEO experts – Matthew Barby, Ian Howells, and Nick Eubanks.

This one is a paid Slack community that will give you access to exclusive Slack community discussions and an opportunity to connect with thousands of other SEO experts. 

Once you join the community you’ll also get access to many online marketing videos and resources that can help you build your career. They call this community the ‘inner circle’ of SEO as it involves a dedicated group of SEO members who help every member in the community build their career.

4. Buffer


Cost: Free

Buffer is one of the most popular social media marketing companies in the online world that has founded a community of the same name. 

Since this platform is popular for social media marketing, the biggest benefit it has is that it involves members coming from a diverse range of fields such as social media marketing, digital marketing, content marketing, video creation, blogging, entrepreneurship, and so on. 

The community ensures that each member takes an equal part in the community discussions and also maintains the community quality standards. 

Some other features of the Buffer community are that it also encourages various other traditions such as sharing weekly goals and discussing books, as well as sharing funny pictures to maintain a positive environment.

5. OnlineGeniuses

online geniuses

Cost: Free

Coming next is OnlineGeniuses which is a popular online community in the digital marketing field. It was initially started by David Markovich as a Skype chat which later transitioned into one of the best Slack communities.

The good part about this community is that it comes with a diverse range of member participation coming from the fields of marketing, SEO, IT, and so on. 

Members of this community regularly communicate and share ideas, exchange insights and trends, and resources. It also hosts regular live events and Q&A sessions featuring other experts. 

With the help of various standards, OnlineGeniuses ensures that the quality of the community is maintained. 

6. BigSEO

big seo

Cost: Free

Now this one is a Slack community that emerged from a popular subreddit of the same name. Steven Van Vessum, the man behind this community, never expected it to grow from being a subreddit to turning into one of the most popular communities online.

BigSEO is a tight community of members who come from a diverse range of fields to discuss some common topics such as online marketing and SEO.

The members of this community use channels such as #technical-seo, #must-reads, #business, #localseo, and so on. It also involves a job channel that helps individuals as well as companies find one another.

What’s more? The community also tries to maintain positivity among members by sharing light-hearted funny quotes about Matt Cutts. 

7. CRO Growth Hacks


Cost: Free

The CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) is a Slack community that focuses on helping members gain online marketing insights, share ideas, and grow together. 

The community involves a regular Q&A session among members to ask and answer questions. There is also a channel to post jobs so that members working in that specific field can find and grab that opportunity.

Moreover, there are various channels such as the SEO channel, chatbot channel, social media channel, and so on. All of this will overall help you gain new insights on the topic and learn new conversion strategies. 

There is also a channel for the members of the community to promote their own work, business, blog, and so on. It also gives the members some opportunities to network and connect with other members of the community.

8. Creative Tribes

creative tribes

Cost: $27 one-time sign-up fee

Creative Tribes is one slack community that is similar to Buffer as it was also founded by an online marketing agency called “”. This one is a paid online community that requires a payment of $27 to get access to the community.

The community involves regular Q&A sessions among members within the Slack community. All the members actively take part in the discussions and share valuable resources to help each other.

It focuses on online discussion related to topics like SEO and marketing. One more thing to note is that it also provides various separate channels for professionals and founders related to the fields of design, web development, and so on.

9. Marketing Lad Slack community

Marketing lad

Cost: $20 one-time sign up fee

If you are looking for a Slack community that specifically focuses on link building and provides its members with various link opportunities, Marketing Lad is also a good option. 

This one is another paid Slack community that requires people to pay $20 to join the community. The community is specifically created for link builders, SEO marketers, and startup founders.

The benefit of joining this community is that it guides and helps you build high-authority links to your website and also access additional resources that can be useful with it. 

10. Marketers Chat

marketers chat

Cost: Free

Founded by Syed Irfaq (CEO of Lukonet), this community is what its name suggests. Marketers Chat is an online Slack community that is created for professional marketers to gather on a single platform share ideas and provide value. 

The community was found when Syed identified the gap between forum discussions and an organized community that was needed for better communication. 

With over 3,000 members who actively take part in community discussions and share value, Marketers Chat has been successful in solving the problem it was created for. There are various channels in the community to organize discussions on topics like Paid marketing, SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. 

Finally, this community also has some channels where you can find jobs and even showcase your work to others.

Additional tips

Now that we have a full list of some of the best Slack communities that you can join, let’s end this post with some final tips that you must follow. 

1. Observe and learn

Many people simply join a Slack community and then never come back to read the messages. Try to not be those people. 

If you are joining a Slack community, it’s your job to get the most out of it by observing and learning what others want to say and checking the new messages constantly to stay updated. 

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2. Actively participate

Now this is one of the most important tips to keep in mind when joining a Slack community. You see, you shouldn’t join a Slack community only to observe all the messages. 

You must keep in mind that it is equally important to also take part in community discussions to ask questions, solve problems, exchange resources, share stories, and so on. This way you can get the most out of your Slack community. 

3. Follow guidelines

Each Slack community will have some community guidelines that the members are supposed to follow. It’s your job to get a full understanding of those guidelines and adhere to them.

community guidelines

Try to maintain a positive environment within the community and avoid any kind of problems coming from your side. Respect the rules and follow them to maintain a welcoming environment for all members.

4. Offer help and support

A Slack community is like a group of friends who are dedicated to helping each other grow. That’s why it’s your job to also offer help and support from your side to other Slack members. 

Try to answer the questions that are asked in the community, guide other members through their paths, and share useful resources with them.

5. Stay consistent

The final tip for your Slack community is to stay consistent with it. 

Make it a daily habit of checking your community and engaging with the messages to stay consistent with it. This will help you always stay consistent with the members, strengthen your relationship, and even constantly get updated about your topic.

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So this is it! Here we are to the end of this post. 

In this post, you learned what an SEO Slack community is, why you should join one, and explored a list of the best SEO Slack communities.

If you are looking for a community where you can learn about SEO and link building, make connections with experts, and also take part in easy link building tactics to build links for your site, the SERP Forge Slack community is right for you! Join and start learning today.


  • Is Slack good for communities?

    Yes. Slack is an online platform used by various businesses across the world. It also has a community platform called “Slack community”. The platform enables users to create communities and engage in real-time discussions, organize channels, share ideas and resources, and collaborate with others. This overall makes Slack good for communities.

  • Why do companies use Slack instead of Discord?

    Companies often choose Slack over Discord simply because Slack has more features that are beneficial for businesses while Discord has fewer features for businesses. Moreover, Slack can be integrated with over 2,400 apps. On the other hand, Discord cannot be integrated with other work-related apps.

  • Why join a Slack community?

    Joining a Slack community gives you many benefits such as building connections with other professionals, gaining new insights on your topic, accessing additional resources, and so on. All of this makes it extremely important for each individual to join a Slack community.

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