We will start off with the same thing that we say in every article – links are extremely important for your search rankings! Yes.
That is exactly why everyone tries to build links in the easiest and fastest way possible to get real results.
One such way is by using forums.
All you have to do is find a community, create an account, and add your links. That’s it.
Real easy, right? But be aware. In this world of SEO, easy things almost never work. It’s the “slow and steady wins the race” thing.
So can you still consider using forums for backlinks? Are they worthy? If yes, how will you use it?… You have all your answers ready.
In this post, we’ll discuss what forum backlinks are, their value, what their impact is on SEO, and how to use them.
Let’s go for it.
What are forums
Before you try to learn about forum backlinks, you first need to understand what exactly forums are.
In a simple description, forums are online websites and apps where people come to post messages and talk with others to discuss various topics.
One example of a popular forum website is Reddit. It is the most popular forum where people come to discuss various topics.
What about forum links
Well, forum backlinks are when you get backlinks from a forum’s website.
How could that be possible? Well, it’s very easy to get backlinks from forum websites.
All you have to do is create an account, set up your profile, and add your link to your profile or any posts.
This way you can get backlinks from forums.
The thing that makes it so easy for anyone to get backlinks from forums is that anyone can upload a post and add their link.
No one is restricted as anyone can get links from forums.
Forum backlinks: pros and cons
Now let’s talk about what kind of impact forums have.
We will tell you one thing – forum backlinks have both advantages and disadvantages in terms of your SEO and other aspects of your website.
Let’s talk about them in more detail.

Advantages of forum backlinks
First, let’s start with the benefits that forum backlinks can bring to your business.
1. You get more traffic
One of the best things about backlinks you get from forum websites is that they can drive more traffic to your website.
How it works is that when you include a link to your website in a post about your website niche, you get to present your website to the right audience.
For example, if you have a fitness niche website and upload a post with a link to your website in a fitness-related community, you will directly target all people interested in fitness.
Interested people can then click on your link and go to your website to learn more about it.
2. Stay relevant to your niche
Now, forums can often help keep you niche-relevant.
Let us explain how.
So when you mention your website in a niche-related community and add a link to your website, you are attracting people interested in your niche.
This way you can even get a chance to get in front of other website owners from your niche and get backlinks from them as well.
3. Build a strong audience base
When you engage and upload posts in your niche community, you get to attract and talk to your actual target audience (an audience who might be interested in your business).
Uploading high-quality posts with relevant links to your website will give you an opportunity to form your positive brand image in your target’s minds.
Moreover, daily posting of a relevant topic with a relevant link from your website will show your target audience how much of an expert you are in your industry.
4. Get feedback and insights
Lastly, forum backlinks also help you get valuable feedback and insights about your website.
How? Well, when you post relevant things on forums with links to your website, you attract a lot of audience to your website.
These audiences then visit your website.
Since forums are platforms where people love engaging in conversation, these audiences may then talk to you about your website and what they liked and disliked about it.
Disadvantages of forum backlinks
Now let us talk about the disadvantages of using forum backlinks.
1. Risk of spam
The biggest disadvantage of forum backlinks which discourages many people from using this strategy is the risk of spam.
You see, if you try to use a forum only for the purpose of building backlinks and manipulating the search rankings without any intention to engage with your audience, you may end up getting penalties from Google.
It is clear that Google hates spammy backlinks.
This brings a lot of risk to backlinks that are gained from forums, which can also negatively affect your SEO.
2. Quality backlinks issue
Well, not all forums can give you quality backlinks.
If you try to build links from forums that are not so popular and big, you may end up generating links that are of low quality with almost zero value to your website.
Sometimes these links may negatively affect your website resulting in the loss of your higher search rankings.
3. Time-consuming with low results
Yes, it is true that using forums is one of the fastest ways to gain backlinks. Then how can time be a disadvantage when talking about forum backlinks?
Let us explain how.
See, forum backlinks are the kinds of backlinks that almost have zero to very low effect on your website.
So spending time on finding relevant forums and adding links to your websites can sometimes result in a waste of time with very low results.
4. You have limited control
Lastly, with forums, you have limited control over your backlinks.
Sometimes the changes in the forum policies and algorithms may result in a negative impact on your backlinks which can affect your SEO.
Moreover, you have no control over the environment of the forum and your community.
Are forum backlinks good for SEO?
One of the most asked questions when it comes to forum backlinks is – are forum backlinks good for SEO? Well, now it’s time to answer this question.
Now there is no simple answer to this question. Why? Because the answer includes both yes and no.
Let’s start with the ‘yes’ part.
Why forum backlinks are good for SEO
- With backlinks from popular and high authority platforms, you have the opportunity to increase your link profile.
- Participating in niche-related communities and adding your links to targeted keyword posts can show Google that you’re relevant on the topic.
- If your post is engaging, it can actually get the user to click on your link and visit the website. This way you can get more referral traffic and increase SEO.
Now let’s talk about the ‘no’ part.
Why forum backlinks are not good for SEO
- Forum backlinks are believed to be ignored by Google, and may not help a website’s search ranking.
- Backlinks from poor quality platforms can increase the chances of Google thinking your site is a bad site.
- Relying solely on forum links for your link profile can increase the chances of your website being flagged as spam which can cause penalties.
So, in short, forum backlinks can be good and bad for your website. The key here is to use them correctly and not rely too much on them for your SEO.
How to use forums for backlinks
Okay, so now, it’s time to learn how to do what we are talking about – using forums to gain backlinks.
Let’s talk about the step-by-step process to gain backlinks from forums.

Step 1: Search Forums using Google
Okay.. so here we are. The first step. And yes, it’s always about first finding forums before executing your process.
However, the key here, is – to not just look for ‘any’ platforms. It’s about findings platforms that are relevant to your niche so you can attract the right audience.
Now, how to find forums? It’s easy to do.
Go to Google and search – [your topic] inurl:forum
For example, if you find forums related to ‘sports’, search for “sports inurl:forum”. This will allow Google to only show results related to ‘sports’, with ‘forum’ in its URL.
Or you can just search “sports forums”.

Step 2: Create a list
Good that you’ve found some relevant forums. What’s next? Well, now it’s time to create a list of platforms you want to use to get links.
The key here is to only go for those platforms that are high quality and can give you quality backlinks.

One more thing you need to do is remove all platforms that don’t work. Yes, you can still create backlinks from these platforms but of course no one will ever see those links. This is why it is best to remove a platform that does not work.
Step 3: Read the instructions
What now? It’s time to just read, read, and read. But read what? Well… the guidelines for the platforms you want to target.
Make sure to research the forums to read all local guidelines and understand the forum environment to be useful.
Posting things randomly and just adding links can be considered spam by the forum community. This is why it is important to keep in mind that you will always pay the price first before trying to get links.
Step 4: Create your account
Once you’ve completed these three steps, it’s time to create your account on this account.
Click the sign-up button to create your account on any platform from your list.
Step 5: Posting
Now that you’ve read the community guidelines and have created your account, it’s time to start posting on your target forums.
Keep all the rules in mind and only post content that is of high value and engages the audience. Also, remember to not add links out of no context. Create a post that is relevant to the link you are going to add and then add the link so that the audience gets additional value from that link.
Step 6: Add your links
The final step is to add links.
Just make sure that you understand the guidelines and kind of links the forum accepts.
Here are some options to add your links:
- Adding a link to your profile
- Adding links in channels that are specifically created for promotion
- Creating high-value posts and adding a link
- Replying to posts and adding a relevant link to it
The key here is to add links that both add value and adhere to the guidelines
Tips and strategies for getting forum backlinks
Now that we understand the step-by-step process of getting backlinks from forums, let’s know some tips and tricks to keep in mind while doing this

1. Choose only platforms that are relevant to your niche
The first thing to keep in mind is to only choose platforms that are relevant to your niche.
You have to reject those platforms and go to the active platforms. This way you can save your time and focus only on your target audience.
2. Customize your anchor text
Anchor text plays an important role in how your link will perform.
Anchor text is the text you added your link to. Like this. The anchor text in the link added here is “like this”.
So, the key here, is always to include your link in the anchor text that is using the right keywords so that search engines understand how relevant your link is to the topic.
3. Focus on building relationships
What’s next? Well, the next important step is to always focus on building relationships.
Don’t just come and post random stuff just to create backlinks. If used correctly, forums can be an effective way to build a strong foundation of loyal audiences that will stay with your business until the end.
This is why your main strategy here should be to build strong relationships with your target audience.
4. Be consistent
Now, it’s important to be consistent with your posting.
Always post relevant content on forums and interact with forum audiences to gain credibility and trust with the audience.
Clearly, audiences love to engage with dynamic stories. This is why you need to be proactive and consistent with your forum strategy.
5. Do not solely rely on forum links
This one is like one of the most important forum backlinks tips that you can ever get.
The tip is to never solely rely on forum links.
Because forum links are one of the fastest and easiest ways to build backlinks for anyone, some businesses try to solely rely on forum links to build their backlinks profile.
They try to generate as many forum links as possible to build their backlinks profile quickly expecting these links to boost their SEO. But in reality, only having forum links increases their chances of being marked as spam which can also hurt their SEO.
6. Never over-optimize
Yes, it’s important to optimize, but it’s also important to never over-optimize.
Remember to keep things natural and never optimize your forum backlinks in a way that can increase your chances of appearing as spam.
7. Keep an eye on the results
Finally, it’s very important to know your links and results.
why? Well, first of all, it’s important to target your links and never miss an opportunity. Analyze the links that produced good results so that next time you can use the same strategy.
Also, forum posts and threads can sometimes go inactive. So if this has happened with your link, it’s important to consider updating your link.
You can use analytics tools like Ahrefs or Semrush to track results.
So this is it!
This was an entire blog on forum backlinks that discussed what forum backlinks are, their pros and cons, their impact on SEO, how to use them, and whether they are worth it or not.
To answer the question, we would say: yes they deserve it.
While they may not always provide the best results for your SEO, it’s important to consider forum links as part of your strategy.
Now it’s your turn to do the rest.
Links are important for your business. This is why you need to use platform backlinks properly so as not to compromise your SEO.
Consider working with a specialized SaaS link building agencies like SERP Forge to create an awesome differentiated link profile.
Are all forum backlinks beneficial for SEO?
No, not all forum backlinks are beneficial for your SEO. If you gain backlinks from low-quality forums, you may end up having a negative impact on your website’s rankings.
How do forum backlinks differ from other types of backlinks?
Well, the way forum backlinks differ from other types of backlinks is that they are created or generated by you yourself rather than reaching out to others and asking them to do it. These kinds of links are also considered as user-generated links.
What are the mistakes to avoid when using forum backlinks?
The biggest mistake that you must avoid when using forums for backlinks is solely relying on forums to earn links. Consider forums as a medium of earning supporting links and not as the sole way of getting backlinks to your website.